
I am a Rainmaker, Promoter, Strategist, Leader & Coach.

Portrait Dr. Christian Kessel
in international law firms
0 + years

In over 30 years in two international law firms, more than 20 years as a partner, successful leader of various industry sector or focus groups and having become a proverbial rainmaker I have coached, empowered and led many lawyers to become successful partners.

I love to invest in people, from young professionals at the start of their career to seasoned partners wishing to shift or develop and grow further their business or facing obstacles in advancing. I therefore offer coaching to lawyers, accountants, business consultants and other professionals individually on successful business development, how to achieve career goals or manage their career, and, ultimately, how to make partner.

I also assist the leadership of firms or heads of teams, sector groups or practice areas through consulting to devise and implement strategies to successfully develop new practice areas, venture into new industry sectors, and empower and motivate teams.

And I provide training for groups of professionals of any seniority levels on any of these subjects.

I see the gold in my clients and aim to bring it fully to the surface. I strongly believe that every professional is able to be a successful business developer and even rainmaker. I help to develop a vision for your business and its development as well as devise the strategies to implement the vision. I provide the necessary skills and best practices for efficient and effective business development but also address the hesitations, doubts, uncertainties or obstacles in my clients` perception of themselves or their identity as a professional.

I provide clear, practical, proven advice when consulting/mentoring or providing training and I coach the person (not the problem) to come up with one’s own solutions for immediate action and learning points for future growth and advancement.

I also provide various ancillary services like reviewing/revising promotional materials or business plans.

Whom do I Serve?

What do I Offer to Individuals or to their Firms?

Equipping, Empowering, Activating to Help them to Realise their Full Potential.

This Comprises:

How do I Help Individuals or Firms?

I help clients to understand the most effective and efficient ways of successful business development. Individuals will be better able to build a case for partnership or to grow their individual business and turnover further.

Firms will get strategy ideas and/or hands-on experience and practical help to develop new areas of practice, venture into new sectors or focus areas. I will also help their members to grow by training them.

I help clients to develop a culture of business development and implement/“live” it daily in a busy professional and private (family, hobbies etc.) life.

I help clients to develop a vision and strategy for the growth of the business and to overcome personal obstacles (if any).

Who are Typically my Clients?

Any professionals (individuals) looking for help and advice regarding their personal career, i.e. any person needing to grow their business case whether for promotion, e.g. to partnership, or rebuilding their practice e.g. after the end of a long-term work assignment (audit of a listed company, arbitration/litigation case).

The management of a firm or the head of an industry sector or legal practice area seeking strategic advice, practical skills or wishing to benefit from success stories regarding the expansion the firm’s business by winning new clients, new/more work or entering into new areas of work and services.

Anyone with management responsibilities interested in or tasked with establishing a culture of continuous business development. Facilitating this ambition through:

What Intangible Benefits do I Create for my Clients?

I have the experience and the “street credibility” as well as the testimonials to

What are my Particular Strengths?


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